
Application forms

Application for Approval

Complete this online form if you are applying for have a finished commercial cleared for broadcast in New Zealand. You can also download an offline copy.

Children’s Food Product Pre-Approval

Complete this online form if you are applying for a Children’s Food (CF) classification. Food and beverage products advertised during children’s programming must meet minimum nutritional standards. You can also download an offline copy.

NOTE: If this application is successful, you still need to complete the Approval for Broadcast application.

Financial services – Company Directors’ Declaration

It is a requirement that financial services advertisements are certified by at least one of the advertiser’s Company Directors.

We cannot approve financial services commercials without a Company Director’s declaration on file. Use CAB’s declaration form or supply a letter on company letterhead.

Standards, codes & guidelines

CAB House Rules

A practical collection the broadcasters terms, conditions and policies plus details on key ASA decisions (Current Version).

Broadcasters’ Technical Standards

The technical standards and guide for the delivery of television commercials to New Zealand broadcasters (Version – June 2016).

Nutrient Framework

The Food and Beverage Classification System used to determine which products may be advertised in children’s television programming. Click here for more information.

NZ Industry Standard for Key Numbers

All key numbers should follow the advertiser/duration/unique reference format (e.g. ABC 030 0001 and ABC 015 0002). This ensures that the advertiser and duration are easily identifiable and that no two dubs from a single advertiser will ever have the same last four digits. Click here for more information.

Quarterly approvals statistics

Below are the reports we produce on the number and types of commercials that have been approved by CAB during the previous quarters.

First Quarter Data Second Quarter Data
Third Quarter Data Fourth Quarter Data

Page updated 2 July 2024